
2024 Highlights

Total sales revenue – continuing operations


EBIT – continuing operations1


Net profit after tax – continuing operations1


Dividends per share2


Women in leadership roles3


Improvement in total recordable injury frequency rate


1 Includes major project implementation costs in relation to the ADCs and CFCs (FY24: $107 million; FY23: $58 million), a provision relating to the Award covered salaried team member review in FY23 (FY24: nil; FY23: $25 million) and non-recurring expenses recorded within the Liquor division (FY24: $11 million; FY23: nil). FY24 major project implementation costs includes $9 million of accelerated depreciation and amortisation in relation to transition to the ADCs.

2Comprising an interim dividend of 36.0 cents per share (paid) and a final dividend of 32.0 cents per share.

3Leadership positions are comprised of the Executive Leadership Team, General Managers, team members pay grade eight and above and supermarket store managers. Pay grade eight and above includes middle managers and specialist roles.


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