Sourcing that is better together


Responsibly sourced products and ingredients

By working with our farmers, suppliers and industry partners our aim is to reduce our impact on the environment and help our customers make more responsible choices. We will continue to support independent certification or verification of Coles Own Brand products associated with higher environmental and labour risks.

Building on our current responsible sourcing programs and initiatives, in FY22, we conducted a review of our Coles Own Brand products, mapping potential environmental impacts associated with deforestation, water security and soil health by commodity. Building on this work, in FY23 we completed a deeper assessment on the commodities identified as having the highest potential environmental impacts including meat, eggs and dairy, as well as soy used in feed for livestock and aquaculture, sugar, rice and wheat. These assessments provided us with valuable insights and opportunities to enhance our existing Responsible Sourcing Program, which we are assessing, in collaboration with our suppliers, to help reduce future environmental impacts and mitigate deforestation.

Recognising the pivotal role that forests play in mitigating climate change, we have developed the Protecting Forests Statement View PDF, Protecting Forests Statement, 200KB Opens in new window to outline the initiatives Coles is undertaking to support the safeguarding of forests across high-impact Coles Own Brand supply chains. By highlighting the milestones achieved, we aim to demonstrate our proactive stance and commitment to sustainable practices in preserving our planet’s ecosystem.

Palm oilCollapsed
Tea, coffee and cocoaCollapsed
Sustainable timber and paper productsCollapsed

Responsibly sourced seafood

Coles cares about how the food we sell is sourced and produced. That is why we established the Coles Responsibly Sourced Seafood Program and since 2015, we are proud that all Coles Own Brand seafood has been responsibly sourced. This includes fresh, thawed, frozen and canned seafood and food products that contain seafood as a primary ingredient. 

Coles' Responsibly Sourced Seafood Program is supported by our Responsibly Sourced Seafood Policy and Supplier Requirements which covers both farmed (aquaculture) and wild-caught seafood for Coles Own Brand products. Our Policy and Requirements include the use of independent third-party certifications and independent assessments. We recognise that there are potential environmental impacts associated with seafood production which may include overfishing, by-catch and illegal fishing. We continue to review the Coles Responsibly Sourced Seafood Program to help ensure these risks are mitigated for applicable Coles Own Brand products.

Responsibly sourced seafood

Farmed seafoodCollapsed
Wild-Caught SeafoodCollapsed


In 2015, we met our voluntary commitment to remove microbeads from Coles Brand products. This was two years ahead of plan.